Development and optimisation of bulk activities
We have many years of experience in flexible and efficient handling of bulk cargo. That's why we can always find the best solution for your project. Our fleet has several different types of cranes, which means that we always use the best solution for the individual task and can therefore efficiently unload and load the goods. Your bulk cargo can be stored safely in the port's open areas or under cover in our warehouses, depending on your needs.
And whether the cargo arrive by ship or truck, we have modern facilities and specialised equipment to match the need to load and unload efficiently.
Want to know more about Bulk?

Ideal location for handling bulk cargo
The largest Danish bulk cargo companies already use Port of Grenaa for shipping, transport and storage of bulk cargo. These companies draw on our years of experience in bulk handling.
We offer large quayside areas - paved and unpaved - and we have good opportunities to expand our areas. Whether goods arrive by ship or truck, conditions are good. Port of Grenaa has up to 11 metres of water depth and access conditions are adapted to heavy traffic. Our giant hopper, which we use for unloading bulk dry goods, reduces your waste. The hopper opening is 90.5 m2 and the total volume is no less than 130 m3.
Flexible customised services
As a partner, we value a flexible setup, investment readiness and adaptability. Even if new needs arise in your company's project. We are responsive to your company's specific needs and have extensive experience in bulk handling such as ship-to-ship operations, as well as being approved for food handling.

Safe storage of bulk in warehouses, tanks and open areas
Whatever your specific bulk product, we offer you safe, correct and secure storage.
Get access to modern storage facilities under roof and in open spaces, or to environmentally approved tanks if your business handles liquid bulk. The total tank capacity associated with the port is 100,000 m3 and the tanks are located in environmentally approved tank farms.
Most tanks are insulated and have heating coils and stirrers. Access to the tank farm is via quay manifold - to ensure efficient transfer of liquid bulk.
We can accommodate even the largest volumes of bulk cargo through our partners. And always with safety and quality in mind: all facilities are designed to preserve the quality of your goods. Leave your bulk cargo with us.
Biomass & wood pellets
Feed salt & lime
Gravel, sand & shards
Grain & Feed
Sunflower Pills
Road salt
Ferrous and metal waste
Big bags
Big bags on pallets
Steel pitches
Fish oil
Fish protein
Fuel oil
Gas oil
Mineral oil products
Tank cooling water
Vegetable oil
Agility rather than wasted time
You can get direct access to the sailing routes in Kattegat from port of Grenaa. And as your transit port for bulk to the Baltic countries plus the entire Baltic Sea region, we are also the obvious choice.
Wherever in the country your company's bulk cargo arrives from, the port is easily accessible - even from land: Trucks have good access - to and from - via the E45 motorway, main road 15 towards Aarhus and main road 16 towards Randers.
When goods arrive by truck, you are assured of efficient distribution and transition to the sea, as the port's areas and warehouses are centrally located, between the quay and the bypass.