Ferries- & Shipping Lines
Port of Grenaa is the hub for ferry and liner services in the Nordic region
As Denmark's most central deep-water port, Port of Grenaa is a natural hub for both liner and ferry services to several Nordic countries. Does your company ship general cargo or large project cargo by sea, or is it considering doing so? Then Port of Grenaa is the optimal starting point for your business.
Want to know more about ferry & liner services?

Shipping lines from Port of Grenaa:
Gateway to the Nordic market
From Port of Grenaa there is direct access to the Kattegat sailing routes. Therefore, we are the ideal hub for shipping companies operating liner services to the Nordic countries and the entire Baltic Sea region.
Efficient logistics and a fast supply chain: with our unique location, flexibility on gang size, modern warehouses and nice areas, we have the optimal conditions for handling many different types of cargo before shipping.
We have several ro-ro carriers where palletised goods, project cargo or other ro-ro cargo can be transhipped or redistributed.

Efficient short sea transport
Do as more and more forwarders are doing: move the transport of goods from road to sea. This means less climate impact, more safety for drivers and a healthier economy.
With the Stena Nautica ferry, you can get from Grenaa to Halmstad in Sweden in less than 4.5 hours: Halmstad is directly connected by motorway to Sweden's biggest cities: Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. This means your goods can get around Sweden and further north quickly.
The ferry trip also goes to Anholt
From Grenaa there is also a ferry connection to Anholt. On the beautiful Kattegat island, midway between Denmark and Sweden, beautiful nature and a unique, stress-free environment await visitors. Discover the desert, the lighthouse or the seal colony at Totten. The ferry ride was about three hours.
Tourist heading to Anholt or Sweden?
For booking tickets and further info, go to Stena Lines or Anholt Færgefart's website. Are you a yachtsman heading to Anholt harbour? Then the website of Anholt Port has all the information you need for a good arrival on the island