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Ports of the Future: Ready for the Green Transition - Political action is now required.

October 3, 2024

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Earlier this week, the long-awaited port report from the Port Partnership was presented to the Minister of Transport and Business in Kalundborg. At the Port of Grenaa, we are very excited to see how the Government and the Danish Parliament will follow up, as the report's recommendations are crucial for the future of Danish ports - including the Port of Grenaa.

Among other things, the report highlights that Danish commercial ports are strong in the competition for growth and employment related to offshore wind construction towards 2030. However, to handle the expected volume of wind turbines by 2050, extensive upgrades to port infrastructure are needed - including deeper shipping channels and stronger quays. Ships are getting bigger and space is becoming a challenge, so it's important that we get political support to ensure proper funding and faster regulatory approvals.

Henrik Carstensen, CEO Port of Grenaa, says:
"The report presented is absolutely essential for Danish ports, and therefore another call from the Port of Grenaa for the government and the Danish Parliament to take the recommendations seriously. If we ports are to be ready to lead the green transition, it requires action now."

Read the report HERE

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